Have you had your credit repaired in the past by companies leaving you disappointed with very little to no results?
We understand that happens quite often which is why our approach gets straight to legalities of credit repair, Our financial consulting firm, provides our credit repair clients with REAL ATTORNEYS and LEGAL SERVICES to get you the UNDENIABLE RESULTS you deserve!
Did you know?
It is Illegal to hire a company to do Credit Repair unless it is a lawyer or if you give them power of attorney.
Did you know? Credit reporting agencies and debt collectors don't have to respond to your disputes if you don't have legal aid or assistance!
• We REMOVE Inquiries in 7-14 Days!
• We REMOVE Chargeoffs, Collections, Student loans, Late payments, Bankruptcies and any Public Records under FCRA laws.
• Business credit! Credit card stacking for Business.
Get multiple (4-5 cards per rd.
150-250k) 0% interest business credit cards that report to your Business Credit with no personal guarantee from Chase Bank, Amex, Citi, Bank of America and more.
• Get seasoned Authorized&Primary line$/ trad3line$ that boost scores instantly!
• Boost Fico Score 60-100 pts in 2wks organically!
• Credit card stacking for Business! Get multiple 0% interest Business Credit Cards that report to your Business Credit with no personal guarantee from Chase Bank, Amex, Citi, Bank of America and more.
Contact us now and one of my team members will assist you immediately 888-807-8289
TEXT REPAIR to (310)595-6515 Or, book a free consultation online at ZIPPYCREDITSCOREREPAIR.
For additional info, check us out on Instagram at ZIPPYCREDITSCOREREPAIR
KEY WORDS: Credit Report (Hard/Soft) Inquiries Revolving Debt Ratio Collection Accounts Dispute (Forms/Letters) Business Loans Bankruptcy Debt Consolidation Credit Counseling Debt Management Collection Agency Debt Settlement Restoration Clean up
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